I think technology could change education in a positive way. Teachers are scared of kids misusing technology instead of learning. I think instead of forcing kids to something, they should be showing them whats right so the kids don't just do it because they have to but also be interested. With something that is used on a daily basis, kids are very familiar and comfortable with technology. Kids would be more engaged in what they are doing and produce better work. The distraction of having access to Facebook, Twitter, etc, would be hard thing to deal with but if you can teach your students to do the work I think it would be better. Since in the real world technology is taking over, why keep the students in the dark and not teach them skills they are going to use in the future. In almost every job some sort of form of technology is used and they should be familiar with it. Also with technology some things that can be repetitive could be removed and the lack the lack of pencils, textbooks, etc would be good for the environment. Technology may some drawbacks in education but overall I think it would be beneficial for   


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